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"Tecnoking"9a, Tecnobloque, Las Chilcas, Chile. FOTO/ Pablo Tomasello Rayo

Leo Cea Bliedtner
11 years old


In his world, climbing, playing, and growing are synonymous.



- What does it take to get to climb routes as hard as the ones you've accomplished? 


- “Just climb.” 

Foto Andro Contreras(6)

His Objectives

- What do you imagine yourself doing when you're 20 years old? 

- "I imagine myself climbing a 5.16a (9c+)."


This last point Leo raises is something that no one has ever done. He knows that the level of difficulty to which he aspires does not even exist yet, but he thinks and explains that it is possible that soon someone will achieve it and that he feels very capable of, in a few more years, being able to climb that level as well.


Margalef, Catalonia, Spain. 


Thanks to the important support of The North Face Chile, Leo will continue to push his limits by testing himself in November 2024 on the iconic Margalef routes. He will be looking to project a grade 9a route and, of course, ride his long-awaited “Perfecto Mundo”. 



Climbing and continuing to discover the impressive lines of Chilean and Argentinean Patagonia. Leo hopes this coming summer to be able to try and perhaps give the first ascent to beautiful routes in Patagonia, such as “Accordeon Session” 5.14? in "Chabela" sector, in Villa Cerro Castillo, and “Ojo de Sauron” 5.14, in Coyhaique.



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"La Sensación del Bloque"9a, Valle de Los Cóndores. Chile.FOTO/ René Cea

Pablo Tomasello Rayo

Articles Published in International Media

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